pp108 : Monitoring Service Containers

Monitoring Service Containers

This topic describes the process of monitoring service containers.

Before you begin this task: You must have the systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin role to monitor service containers in an organization.

By monitoring service containers, you can keep track of the status of the service containers configured for the organization.

To monitor a service container:

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears listing the available service containers.


  2. Right-click a service container and perform one of the following actions:




    Start a service container.

    Click Start.

    The service container is started and the status icon changes to .

    Stop a service container.

    Click Stop.

    The service container is stopped and the status icon changes to .

    Restart a service container.

    Click Restart.

    The service container is restarted and the status icon changes to .

    Reset a service container.

    Click Reset.

    The service container is reset.

    Delete a service container.

    Click Delete.

    A dialog box asking for confirmation of the action is displayed. Click OK to delete the service container.

    View log details of a service container.

    Click View Log.

    The Log Viewer dialog box is displayed indicating the log details. See Log Viewer Interface.

    View error details.

    Click Show Error Details.

    The Error Details dialog box is displayed indicating the configuration error details (if any) of a service container.

    Clone a service container.

    Click Clone Service.

    The Clone Service dialog box appears. For information on the details to be specified in the dialog box, see Clone Processor Configuration Interface.

    Modify service container details.

    Click Properties.

    Properties <Service Container Name> App Palette is displayed at the bottom. See Service Container Configuration interface.

    For more information on the Service Containers App Palette, see Service Containers Details.


Related tasks

Creating a Service Container
Modifying a Service Container
Configuring Application Connectors

Related reference

Clone Service Container Configuration Interface
Log Viewer Interface of Service Containers